Therapeutic Exercises
Therapeutic Exercises
In addition to chiropractic adjustments, Brownsburg and Pittsboro residents are using corrective exercises to strengthen the surrounding tissue and muscles to prevent further injury. Targeted exercises and chiropractic adjustments combined give superior and longer lasting results.
Low Tech Rehab
Exercise equipment does not have to be expensive. Our goal is give our patients 4-5 exercises that can be done in less than 10 minutes without purchasing any equipment. An exercise ball, foam roller, or tennis ball may be preferred. Patients that follow through on their home exercises receive fewer treatments, get better results, and have a lower rate of reinjury.
For those who do not wish to do home core exercise, we offer in office HI-EMT for rapid strength development. Thirty minutes per week simulates 5.5 hours of crunches without next day muscle soreness.